Apart from the various activities it organizes, the VSM also offers various forms of financial support for its student members. The financial support by the VSM follows two basic principles.
- From the point of view of budget, the two Universities are independent. Thus applications concerning a student will always be decided at the University at which that student is enrolled.
- The VSM will only approve financial support if other „regular“ sources for support cannot be used (see below for more details).
For the decision on applications on financial support it will always be taken into account whether students actively participated in the VSM.
Specific forms of financial support
Support for travel and/or conferences
Here it is important that the VSM only supports travel, conference participation or stays abroad if no other sources of support are available. If you are looking for support for such activities first talk to your advisor whether other sources are available. In particular, if you are employed on a position that is third-party-funded, the project you are employed in may provide support. If you are employed on a position financed via the global budget, check first whether support via the faculty is available.
Applications for these types of support are decided based on an individual application.
Completion grants
These grants are intended for the case that a student holds a position (regardless on how it is financed), but this position expires shortly before the doctoral study is completed. The support is paid in the form of a grant (no employment implied) and limited to a duration of three months with a possible extension for further three months depending on an intermediate evaluation.
For the application, a statement of the advisor is needed, which explains why the funding for the position expires. In addition, this should confirm that no other sources of funding for the student are available and that the completion of the study can be expected within the duration of the grant.
Caution: Because of legal problems currently no completion grants can be awarded at the University of Vienna.