PhD Colloquia

Next PhD Colloquium:
June 19, 2024 – joint seminar with the MIX colloquium (Mathematics In eXchange) from ISTA at ISTA; 4.30 pm to 6 pm, Mondi 3

  • Speaker 1 (ISTA): Oleksii Kolupaiev (Erdös Group)
    Title: Flow of fractional free convolution powers

Abstract: Free convolution of measures is an operation within the framework of free probability theory, analogous to the classical convolution of measures. Without delving deeply into free probability, we can define free convolution using the language of random matrix theory. By considering the free convolution of a measure with itself multiple times, we arrive at the concept of a sequence of free convolution powers of a given measure. Interestingly, this sequence can be extended to a flow, which is generally impossible in the classical setting. We will explore the properties of this flow and discuss several related open questions.

  • Speaker 2 (Vienna): Yannic Wentzel (Schertzer Group, UniVie)
    Title: Why a football pitch can be a good approximation of a large species‘ habitat

Abstract: How does the structure of a habitat influence the relatedness of the populations living there? Intuitively, it makes sense that the heterogeneous environmental conditions of the Brazilian rainforest should lead to very different genetic architectures than the homogeneous environmental conditions of a football pitch. Using a stochastic model and techniques from mixing time theory, we explain why the genetic diversity within large species living on a football pitch can actually be a good approximation for the genetic diversity of a large species living in a heterogeneous environment.

June 10, 2024 – SR05, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
3 pm: Willi Kepplinger (University of Vienna): Why does the Klein Bottle look so weird?

April 15, 2024 – SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1st floor (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
3 pm: Julian Streitberger (TU Wien): 2Fast2Converge – Optimal convergence Rates for adaptive FEM

March 18, 2024 – TUForMath-Room at Freihaus TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien 
3 pm: Damiano De Gaspari (TU Wien): Superdiffusivity of the Stochastic Burgers Equation

January 15, 2024 – SR06, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1st floor (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
3 pm: Thibaut Kouptchinsky (TU Wien): The Limits of Determinacy in Third-Order Arithmetic
4 pm: Florestan Brunck (ISTA): A Fast Algorithm for Turning your Room into a Dojo

December 11, 2023 – in Vortragsraum Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5th floor of the Library at TU Wien
4:00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Aditya Kapilavai: Singularity Distance Computation for Parallel
Manipulators of Stewart-Gough Type

November 6, 2023 – in SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
3.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Jakob Reiffenstein: Canonical systems of differential equations

October 16, 2023 Vortragsraum Bibliothek (Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5th floor of the Library at TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Matthias Ostermann: Stable Blowup for Semilinear Wave Equations

June 15, 2023 – SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Eric Stenhede: How to build 3-manifolds

May 25, 2023 – SR13, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Mina Monadjem: Existence of post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

April 27, 2023 – Zeichensaal 3, Freihaus, green area, 7th floor (TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: Elementary methods in combinatorial problems regarding integer partitions

March 23, 2023 – Seminarraum AE U1 – 7 (TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, AE)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Annamaria Massimini: The life and lies of of cross-diffusion systems

January 26, 2023 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stefan Portisch: Finite Volumes in a nutshell
„One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation“

December 15, 2022 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andreas Nessmann: An introduction to lattice path combinatorics

November 16, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Julius Berner: Diffusion models

October 19, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mikhail Karapetyants: An interesting application of an otherwise not so interesting theory

June 23, 2022 – HS15, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 & online
1.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Katharina Brazda: Biomembranes, curves, and varifolds

May 12, 2022 – HS17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, & online
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Eva-Maria Hainzl: Generating functions and universal laws on coefficient asymptotics

April 6, 2022 – Sky Lounge, OMP1 & online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Zhangwen Guo: Generalized path geometries – studying systems of 2nd order ODEs with parabolic geometries

January 13, 2022 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz: Random fields, the Wiener Chaos Decomposition and a Stationary Diffusion

December 16, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Johannes Droschl: Special values of L-functions

December 9, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Randy Llerena: Variational solutions in the dynamical perfect elasto-plasticity

November 25, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andrea Scaglioni: Numerical approximation of PDEs with random coefficients

June 24, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Steffen Plunder: Programming in Julia: What is multiple dispatch and how it could help in combining different fields of maths

May 20, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Georg Hofstätter: Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minkowski Endomorphisms

April 15, 2021 – online 
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Chiara Novarini: The DAHA of type $GL_n$, Tableaux and Quantum Groups

March 18, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tobias Danczul: An Introduction to the Numerical Approximation of Fractional PDEs

January 14, 2021 – online
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denis Polly: Discrete Weierstrass-type representations

December 10, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Laura Kanzler: Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

December 3, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas: Standard Young Tableaux and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group

November 26, 2020 – online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Michael Sedlmayer:
Fantastic Minimax Problems – What Are Solutions and How to Find Them

June 18, 2020 – online
2 pm:
PhD Colloquium – Benedict Schinnerl: Singularity-Theorems from Non-Trivial Topology

May 14, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Valerie Roitner: Pattern Avoidance in Lattice Paths

Please find the slides here.

March 4, 2020 – HS11 (Hauptgebäude TU Wien)
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Lukas Fertl: An introduction to sufficient dimension reduction, conditional variance estimator

January 15, 2020 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm:
PhD Colloqium – Axel Böhm: How machines learn or minimizing training loss

December 4, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages

October 23, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: VSM Info Day
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Alexander Pichler: An introduction to virtual element methods for the Helmholtz problem

June 19, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – David Melching: How does steel deform? An introduction to elastoplastic materials and damage

May 22, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Noema Nicolussi: An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

April 10, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Giancarlo Castellano: The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

January 16, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denise Schmutz: Three-dimensional Motion Reconstruction from Projection Data
December 5, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hana Melánová: Geometric Invariants of Surfaces as Natural Objects
November 14, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Florian Aigner: An Introduction to Alternating Sign Matrices (A Combinatorial Story of Missing Bijections)
October 31, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mateusz Piorkowski: When Waves Behave Like Particles
June 6, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Daniel Scherl: What the heck is TQFT?
May 16, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gianluca Favre: An introduction for a weak formulation. Why do we look for a weak solution?
April 18, 2018 – HS16, OMP 1
1.30 pm: PhD Colloquium – Paola Lopez: An Adelic Approach to Number Theory
March 21, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manjil Saikia: Perfect Matchings and Tiling Problems
November 15, 2017 – SR13, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Franz Berger: The d-bar-Neumann problem in several complex variables
October 4, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
1 pm: VDS Mathematics Info Day
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tomack Gilmore: Thombus Tilings and Electrostatistics
June 7, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Diana Carolina Montoya: Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum and the Structure of the Real Line
May 17, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gabriel Strasser: An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
April 5, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hongyi Chu: An Introduction to Multicategories and Higher Categories
March 15, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Sascha Biberhofer: An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups
January 18, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Anastasiia Zalashko: Introduction to Optimal Transport
December 14, 2016 – SR3, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Christopher Chiu: Introduction to the Nash Problem
November 23, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Robin Sulzgruber: An Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
October 19, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Melanie Graf: The singularity theorems of Lorentzian geometryo

The next PhD Colloquium will be
given by Jakob Reiffenstein on Monday, November 6, at 3 pm in SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

And there will be two more Colloquia this semester on
December 11, 2023 – in 

October 16, 2023 – 
in Vortragsraum Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5th floor of the Library at TU Wien
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Matthias Ostermann: Stable Blowup for Semilinear Wave Equations
Nonlinear wave equations exhibit a wide variety of fascinating dynamics. Among them is the formation of singularities in finite time from smooth initial data. This is illustrated e.g. for wave equations with focusing power nonlinearities by an explicit solution, the so-called ODE blowup, in all space dimensions. Whether this blowup mechanism plays a universal role in the generic wave evolution leads to the central question about its stability. This talk gives an elementary introduction to the ideas and methods behind a recently developed stability theory for blowup in wave equations with application to the ODE blowup.
Please find the poster here.

June 15, 2023 – SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Eric Stenhede: How to build 3-manifolds
A manifold is a topological space that is Hausdorff, second countable, and locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space. While it is relatively easy to visualize 0-, 1-, and 2-dimensional manifolds, it becomes more challenging to picture the higher-dimensional ones. In the case of dimension 3, we can only imagine the local model, the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. However, by adopting certain conventions, we can go beyond that and develop a certain feeling for what 3-manifolds look like.
In this talk, I will discuss and survey various methods for constructing and visualizing 3-dimensional manifolds: triangulations, Heegaard splittings, and surgery diagrams. The goal is to sketch the proof of the Lickorish-Wallace theorem.
If time permits, I will also discuss the relationship between 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional topology through handle decompositions.
Please find the poster here.

May 25, 2023 – SR13, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Mina Monadjem: Existence of post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

April 27, 2023 – Zeichensaal 3, Freihaus, green area, 7th floor (TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: Elementary methods in combinatorial problems regarding integer partitions

March 23, 2023 – Seminarraum AE U1 – 7 (TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, AE)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Annamaria Massimini: The life and lies of of cross-diffusion systems

January 26, 2023 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stefan Portisch: Finite Volumes in a nutshell
„One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation“

December 15, 2022 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andreas Nessmann: An introduction to lattice path combinatorics

November 16, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Julius Berner: Diffusion models

October 19, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mikhail Karapetyants: An interesting application of an otherwise not so interesting theory

June 23, 2022 – HS15, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 & online
1.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Katharina Brazda: Biomembranes, curves, and varifolds

May 12, 2022 – HS17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, & online
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Eva-Maria Hainzl: Generating functions and universal laws on coefficient asymptotics

April 6, 2022 – Sky Lounge, OMP1 & online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Zhangwen Guo: Generalized path geometries – studying systems of 2nd order ODEs with parabolic geometries

January 13, 2022 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz: Random fields, the Wiener Chaos Decomposition and a Stationary Diffusion

December 16, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Johannes Droschl: Special values of L-functions

December 9, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Randy Llerena: Variational solutions in the dynamical perfect elasto-plasticity

November 25, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andrea Scaglioni: Numerical approximation of PDEs with random coefficients

June 24, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Steffen Plunder: Programming in Julia: What is multiple dispatch and how it could help in combining different fields of maths

May 20, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Georg Hofstätter: Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minkowski Endomorphisms

April 15, 2021 – online 
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Chiara Novarini: The DAHA of type $GL_n$, Tableaux and Quantum Groups

March 18, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tobias Danczul: An Introduction to the Numerical Approximation of Fractional PDEs

January 14, 2021 – online
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denis Polly: Discrete Weierstrass-type representations

December 10, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Laura Kanzler: Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

December 3, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas: Standard Young Tableaux and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group

November 26, 2020 – online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Michael Sedlmayer:
Fantastic Minimax Problems – What Are Solutions and How to Find Them

June 18, 2020 – online
2 pm:
PhD Colloquium – Benedict Schinnerl: Singularity-Theorems from Non-Trivial Topology

May 14, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Valerie Roitner: Pattern Avoidance in Lattice Paths

Please find the slides here.

March 4, 2020 – HS11 (Hauptgebäude TU Wien)
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Lukas Fertl: An introduction to sufficient dimension reduction, conditional variance estimator

January 15, 2020 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm:
PhD Colloqium – Axel Böhm: How machines learn or minimizing training loss

December 4, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages

October 23, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: VSM Info Day
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Alexander Pichler: An introduction to virtual element methods for the Helmholtz problem

June 19, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – David Melching: How does steel deform? An introduction to elastoplastic materials and damage

May 22, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Noema Nicolussi: An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

April 10, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Giancarlo Castellano: The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

January 16, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denise Schmutz: Three-dimensional Motion Reconstruction from Projection Data
December 5, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hana Melánová: Geometric Invariants of Surfaces as Natural Objects
November 14, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Florian Aigner: An Introduction to Alternating Sign Matrices (A Combinatorial Story of Missing Bijections)
October 31, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mateusz Piorkowski: When Waves Behave Like Particles
June 6, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Daniel Scherl: What the heck is TQFT?
May 16, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gianluca Favre: An introduction for a weak formulation. Why do we look for a weak solution?
April 18, 2018 – HS16, OMP 1
1.30 pm: PhD Colloquium – Paola Lopez: An Adelic Approach to Number Theory
March 21, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manjil Saikia: Perfect Matchings and Tiling Problems
November 15, 2017 – SR13, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Franz Berger: The d-bar-Neumann problem in several complex variables
October 4, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
1 pm: VDS Mathematics Info Day
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tomack Gilmore: Thombus Tilings and Electrostatistics
June 7, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Diana Carolina Montoya: Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum and the Structure of the Real Line
May 17, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gabriel Strasser: An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
April 5, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hongyi Chu: An Introduction to Multicategories and Higher Categories
March 15, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Sascha Biberhofer: An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups
January 18, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Anastasiia Zalashko: Introduction to Optimal Transport
December 14, 2016 – SR3, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Christopher Chiu: Introduction to the Nash Problem
November 23, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Robin Sulzgruber: An Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
October 19, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Melanie Graf: The singularity theorems of Lorentzian geometry

The next PhD Colloquium will be
given by Jakob Reiffenstein on Monday, November 6, at 3 pm in SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

And there will be two more Colloquia this semester on
December 11, 2023 – in 

October 16, 2023 – 
in Vortragsraum Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5th floor of the Library at TU Wien
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Matthias Ostermann: Stable Blowup for Semilinear Wave Equations
Nonlinear wave equations exhibit a wide variety of fascinating dynamics. Among them is the formation of singularities in finite time from smooth initial data. This is illustrated e.g. for wave equations with focusing power nonlinearities by an explicit solution, the so-called ODE blowup, in all space dimensions. Whether this blowup mechanism plays a universal role in the generic wave evolution leads to the central question about its stability. This talk gives an elementary introduction to the ideas and methods behind a recently developed stability theory for blowup in wave equations with application to the ODE blowup.
Please find the poster here.

June 15, 2023 – SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Eric Stenhede: How to build 3-manifolds
A manifold is a topological space that is Hausdorff, second countable, and locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space. While it is relatively easy to visualize 0-, 1-, and 2-dimensional manifolds, it becomes more challenging to picture the higher-dimensional ones. In the case of dimension 3, we can only imagine the local model, the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. However, by adopting certain conventions, we can go beyond that and develop a certain feeling for what 3-manifolds look like.
In this talk, I will discuss and survey various methods for constructing and visualizing 3-dimensional manifolds: triangulations, Heegaard splittings, and surgery diagrams. The goal is to sketch the proof of the Lickorish-Wallace theorem.
If time permits, I will also discuss the relationship between 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional topology through handle decompositions.
Please find the poster here.

May 25, 2023 – SR13, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Mina Monadjem: Existence of post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

April 27, 2023 – Zeichensaal 3, Freihaus, green area, 7th floor (TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: Elementary methods in combinatorial problems regarding integer partitions

March 23, 2023 – Seminarraum AE U1 – 7 (TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, AE)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Annamaria Massimini: The life and lies of of cross-diffusion systems

January 26, 2023 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stefan Portisch: Finite Volumes in a nutshell
„One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation“

December 15, 2022 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andreas Nessmann: An introduction to lattice path combinatorics

November 16, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Julius Berner: Diffusion models

October 19, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mikhail Karapetyants: An interesting application of an otherwise not so interesting theory

June 23, 2022 – HS15, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 & online
1.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Katharina Brazda: Biomembranes, curves, and varifolds

May 12, 2022 – HS17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, & online
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Eva-Maria Hainzl: Generating functions and universal laws on coefficient asymptotics

April 6, 2022 – Sky Lounge, OMP1 & online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Zhangwen Guo: Generalized path geometries – studying systems of 2nd order ODEs with parabolic geometries

January 13, 2022 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz: Random fields, the Wiener Chaos Decomposition and a Stationary Diffusion

December 16, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Johannes Droschl: Special values of L-functions

December 9, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Randy Llerena: Variational solutions in the dynamical perfect elasto-plasticity

November 25, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andrea Scaglioni: Numerical approximation of PDEs with random coefficients

June 24, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Steffen Plunder: Programming in Julia: What is multiple dispatch and how it could help in combining different fields of maths

May 20, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Georg Hofstätter: Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minkowski Endomorphisms

April 15, 2021 – online 
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Chiara Novarini: The DAHA of type $GL_n$, Tableaux and Quantum Groups

March 18, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tobias Danczul: An Introduction to the Numerical Approximation of Fractional PDEs

January 14, 2021 – online
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denis Polly: Discrete Weierstrass-type representations

December 10, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Laura Kanzler: Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

December 3, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas: Standard Young Tableaux and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group

November 26, 2020 – online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Michael Sedlmayer:
Fantastic Minimax Problems – What Are Solutions and How to Find Them

June 18, 2020 – online
2 pm:
PhD Colloquium – Benedict Schinnerl: Singularity-Theorems from Non-Trivial Topology

May 14, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Valerie Roitner: Pattern Avoidance in Lattice Paths

Please find the slides here.

March 4, 2020 – HS11 (Hauptgebäude TU Wien)
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Lukas Fertl: An introduction to sufficient dimension reduction, conditional variance estimator

January 15, 2020 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm:
PhD Colloqium – Axel Böhm: How machines learn or minimizing training loss

December 4, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages

October 23, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: VSM Info Day
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Alexander Pichler: An introduction to virtual element methods for the Helmholtz problem

June 19, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – David Melching: How does steel deform? An introduction to elastoplastic materials and damage

May 22, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Noema Nicolussi: An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

April 10, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Giancarlo Castellano: The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

January 16, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denise Schmutz: Three-dimensional Motion Reconstruction from Projection Data
December 5, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hana Melánová: Geometric Invariants of Surfaces as Natural Objects
November 14, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Florian Aigner: An Introduction to Alternating Sign Matrices (A Combinatorial Story of Missing Bijections)
October 31, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mateusz Piorkowski: When Waves Behave Like Particles
June 6, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Daniel Scherl: What the heck is TQFT?
May 16, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gianluca Favre: An introduction for a weak formulation. Why do we look for a weak solution?
April 18, 2018 – HS16, OMP 1
1.30 pm: PhD Colloquium – Paola Lopez: An Adelic Approach to Number Theory
March 21, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manjil Saikia: Perfect Matchings and Tiling Problems
November 15, 2017 – SR13, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Franz Berger: The d-bar-Neumann problem in several complex variables
October 4, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
1 pm: VDS Mathematics Info Day
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tomack Gilmore: Thombus Tilings and Electrostatistics
June 7, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Diana Carolina Montoya: Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum and the Structure of the Real Line
May 17, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gabriel Strasser: An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
April 5, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hongyi Chu: An Introduction to Multicategories and Higher Categories
March 15, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Sascha Biberhofer: An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups
January 18, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Anastasiia Zalashko: Introduction to Optimal Transport
December 14, 2016 – SR3, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Christopher Chiu: Introduction to the Nash Problem
November 23, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Robin Sulzgruber: An Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
October 19, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Melanie Graf: The singularity theorems of Lorentzian geometry

The next PhD Colloquia will be
given by Matthias Ostermann on Monday, October 16, at 4 pm in Vortragsraum Bibliothek

and by Jakob Reiffenstein on Monday, November 6, at 3 pm in SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

October 16, 2023 – 

June 15, 2023 – SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Eric Stenhede: How to build 3-manifolds
A manifold is a topological space that is Hausdorff, second countable, and locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space. While it is relatively easy to visualize 0-, 1-, and 2-dimensional manifolds, it becomes more challenging to picture the higher-dimensional ones. In the case of dimension 3, we can only imagine the local model, the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. However, by adopting certain conventions, we can go beyond that and develop a certain feeling for what 3-manifolds look like.
In this talk, I will discuss and survey various methods for constructing and visualizing 3-dimensional manifolds: triangulations, Heegaard splittings, and surgery diagrams. The goal is to sketch the proof of the Lickorish-Wallace theorem.
If time permits, I will also discuss the relationship between 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional topology through handle decompositions.
Please find the poster here.

May 25, 2023 – SR13, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Mina Monadjem: Existence of post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

April 27, 2023 – Zeichensaal 3, Freihaus, green area, 7th floor (TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: Elementary methods in combinatorial problems regarding integer partitions

March 23, 2023 – Seminarraum AE U1 – 7 (TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, AE)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Annamaria Massimini: The life and lies of of cross-diffusion systems

January 26, 2023 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stefan Portisch: Finite Volumes in a nutshell
„One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation“

December 15, 2022 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andreas Nessmann: An introduction to lattice path combinatorics

November 16, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Julius Berner: Diffusion models

October 19, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mikhail Karapetyants: An interesting application of an otherwise not so interesting theory

June 23, 2022 – HS15, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 & online
1.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Katharina Brazda: Biomembranes, curves, and varifolds

May 12, 2022 – HS17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, & online
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Eva-Maria Hainzl: Generating functions and universal laws on coefficient asymptotics

April 6, 2022 – Sky Lounge, OMP1 & online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Zhangwen Guo: Generalized path geometries – studying systems of 2nd order ODEs with parabolic geometries

January 13, 2022 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz: Random fields, the Wiener Chaos Decomposition and a Stationary Diffusion

December 16, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Johannes Droschl: Special values of L-functions

December 9, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Randy Llerena: Variational solutions in the dynamical perfect elasto-plasticity

November 25, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andrea Scaglioni: Numerical approximation of PDEs with random coefficients

June 24, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Steffen Plunder: Programming in Julia: What is multiple dispatch and how it could help in combining different fields of maths

May 20, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Georg Hofstätter: Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minkowski Endomorphisms

April 15, 2021 – online 
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Chiara Novarini: The DAHA of type $GL_n$, Tableaux and Quantum Groups

March 18, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tobias Danczul: An Introduction to the Numerical Approximation of Fractional PDEs

January 14, 2021 – online
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denis Polly: Discrete Weierstrass-type representations

December 10, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Laura Kanzler: Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

December 3, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas: Standard Young Tableaux and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group

November 26, 2020 – online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Michael Sedlmayer:
Fantastic Minimax Problems – What Are Solutions and How to Find Them

June 18, 2020 – online
2 pm:
PhD Colloquium – Benedict Schinnerl: Singularity-Theorems from Non-Trivial Topology

May 14, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Valerie Roitner: Pattern Avoidance in Lattice Paths

Please find the slides here.

March 4, 2020 – HS11 (Hauptgebäude TU Wien)
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Lukas Fertl: An introduction to sufficient dimension reduction, conditional variance estimator

January 15, 2020 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm:
PhD Colloqium – Axel Böhm: How machines learn or minimizing training loss

December 4, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages

October 23, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: VSM Info Day
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Alexander Pichler: An introduction to virtual element methods for the Helmholtz problem

June 19, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – David Melching: How does steel deform? An introduction to elastoplastic materials and damage

May 22, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Noema Nicolussi: An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

April 10, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Giancarlo Castellano: The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

January 16, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denise Schmutz: Three-dimensional Motion Reconstruction from Projection Data
December 5, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hana Melánová: Geometric Invariants of Surfaces as Natural Objects
November 14, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Florian Aigner: An Introduction to Alternating Sign Matrices (A Combinatorial Story of Missing Bijections)
October 31, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mateusz Piorkowski: When Waves Behave Like Particles
June 6, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Daniel Scherl: What the heck is TQFT?
May 16, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gianluca Favre: An introduction for a weak formulation. Why do we look for a weak solution?
April 18, 2018 – HS16, OMP 1
1.30 pm: PhD Colloquium – Paola Lopez: An Adelic Approach to Number Theory
March 21, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manjil Saikia: Perfect Matchings and Tiling Problems
November 15, 2017 – SR13, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Franz Berger: The d-bar-Neumann problem in several complex variables
October 4, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
1 pm: VDS Mathematics Info Day
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tomack Gilmore: Thombus Tilings and Electrostatistics
June 7, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Diana Carolina Montoya: Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum and the Structure of the Real Line
May 17, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gabriel Strasser: An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
April 5, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hongyi Chu: An Introduction to Multicategories and Higher Categories
March 15, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Sascha Biberhofer: An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups
January 18, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Anastasiia Zalashko: Introduction to Optimal Transport
December 14, 2016 – SR3, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Christopher Chiu: Introduction to the Nash Problem
November 23, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Robin Sulzgruber: An Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
October 19, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Melanie Graf: The singularity theorems of Lorentzian geometry

The next PhD Colloquia will be
given by Matthias Ostermann on Monday, October 16, at 4 pm in Vortragsraum Bibliothek

and by Jakob Reiffenstein on Monday, November 6, at 3 pm in SR5, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

October 16, 2023 – 

June 15, 2023 – SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Eric Stenhede: How to build 3-manifolds
A manifold is a topological space that is Hausdorff, second countable, and locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space. While it is relatively easy to visualize 0-, 1-, and 2-dimensional manifolds, it becomes more challenging to picture the higher-dimensional ones. In the case of dimension 3, we can only imagine the local model, the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. However, by adopting certain conventions, we can go beyond that and develop a certain feeling for what 3-manifolds look like.
In this talk, I will discuss and survey various methods for constructing and visualizing 3-dimensional manifolds: triangulations, Heegaard splittings, and surgery diagrams. The goal is to sketch the proof of the Lickorish-Wallace theorem.
If time permits, I will also discuss the relationship between 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional topology through handle decompositions.
Please find the poster here.

May 25, 2023 – SR13, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna)
2.00 pm: PhD Colloqium – Mina Monadjem: Existence of post-Lie algebra structures and decompositions of Lie algebras

April 27, 2023 – Zeichensaal 3, Freihaus, green area, 7th floor (TU Wien)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manosij Ghosh Dastidar: Elementary methods in combinatorial problems regarding integer partitions

March 23, 2023 – Seminarraum AE U1 – 7 (TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, AE)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Annamaria Massimini: The life and lies of of cross-diffusion systems

January 26, 2023 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
4.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stefan Portisch: Finite Volumes in a nutshell
„One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation“

December 15, 2022 – Seminar Raum DA grün 03 A, TU Wien (Freihaus, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10)
3.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andreas Nessmann: An introduction to lattice path combinatorics

November 16, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Julius Berner: Diffusion models

October 19, 2022 – Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
2.00 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mikhail Karapetyants: An interesting application of an otherwise not so interesting theory

June 23, 2022 – HS15, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 & online
1.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Katharina Brazda: Biomembranes, curves, and varifolds

May 12, 2022 – HS17, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, & online
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Eva-Maria Hainzl: Generating functions and universal laws on coefficient asymptotics

April 6, 2022 – Sky Lounge, OMP1 & online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Zhangwen Guo: Generalized path geometries – studying systems of 2nd order ODEs with parabolic geometries

January 13, 2022 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz: Random fields, the Wiener Chaos Decomposition and a Stationary Diffusion

December 16, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Johannes Droschl: Special values of L-functions

December 9, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Randy Llerena: Variational solutions in the dynamical perfect elasto-plasticity

November 25, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Andrea Scaglioni: Numerical approximation of PDEs with random coefficients

June 24, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Steffen Plunder: Programming in Julia: What is multiple dispatch and how it could help in combining different fields of maths

May 20, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Georg Hofstätter: Isoperimetric Inequalities for Minkowski Endomorphisms

April 15, 2021 – online 
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Chiara Novarini: The DAHA of type $GL_n$, Tableaux and Quantum Groups

March 18, 2021 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tobias Danczul: An Introduction to the Numerical Approximation of Fractional PDEs

January 14, 2021 – online
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denis Polly: Discrete Weierstrass-type representations

December 10, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Laura Kanzler: Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria

December 3, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Stephan Pfannerer-Mittas: Standard Young Tableaux and the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group

November 26, 2020 – online
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Michael Sedlmayer:
Fantastic Minimax Problems – What Are Solutions and How to Find Them

June 18, 2020 – online
2 pm:
PhD Colloquium – Benedict Schinnerl: Singularity-Theorems from Non-Trivial Topology

May 14, 2020 – online
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Valerie Roitner: Pattern Avoidance in Lattice Paths

Please find the slides here.

March 4, 2020 – HS11 (Hauptgebäude TU Wien)
1 pm: PhD Colloquium – Lukas Fertl: An introduction to sufficient dimension reduction, conditional variance estimator

January 15, 2020 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm:
PhD Colloqium – Axel Böhm: How machines learn or minimizing training loss

December 4, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP1
3 pm: PhD Colloqium – Philipp Kniefacz: Sharp Sobolev Inequalities via Projection Averages

October 23, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: VSM Info Day
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Alexander Pichler: An introduction to virtual element methods for the Helmholtz problem

June 19, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – David Melching: How does steel deform? An introduction to elastoplastic materials and damage

May 22, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Noema Nicolussi: An Introduction to Spectral Theory of Laplacians on Graphs

April 10, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Giancarlo Castellano: The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected

January 16, 2019 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Denise Schmutz: Three-dimensional Motion Reconstruction from Projection Data
December 5, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hana Melánová: Geometric Invariants of Surfaces as Natural Objects
November 14, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Florian Aigner: An Introduction to Alternating Sign Matrices (A Combinatorial Story of Missing Bijections)
October 31, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Mateusz Piorkowski: When Waves Behave Like Particles
June 6, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Daniel Scherl: What the heck is TQFT?
May 16, 2018 – HS10, OMP 1
1.45 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gianluca Favre: An introduction for a weak formulation. Why do we look for a weak solution?
April 18, 2018 – HS16, OMP 1
1.30 pm: PhD Colloquium – Paola Lopez: An Adelic Approach to Number Theory
March 21, 2018 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Manjil Saikia: Perfect Matchings and Tiling Problems
November 15, 2017 – SR13, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Franz Berger: The d-bar-Neumann problem in several complex variables
October 4, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
1 pm: VDS Mathematics Info Day
2 pm: PhD Colloquium – Tomack Gilmore: Thombus Tilings and Electrostatistics
June 7, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Diana Carolina Montoya: Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum and the Structure of the Real Line
May 17, 2017 – HS05, OMP 1
3.15 pm: PhD Colloquium – Gabriel Strasser: An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
April 5, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Hongyi Chu: An Introduction to Multicategories and Higher Categories
March 15, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Sascha Biberhofer: An Introduction to Arithmetic Groups
January 18, 2017 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Anastasiia Zalashko: Introduction to Optimal Transport
December 14, 2016 – SR3, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Christopher Chiu: Introduction to the Nash Problem
November 23, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Robin Sulzgruber: An Introduction to Algebraic Combinatorics
October 19, 2016 – Sky Lounge, OMP 1
3 pm: PhD Colloquium – Melanie Graf: The singularity theorems of Lorentzian geometry