CURRENT OPEN POSITIONS (all genders welcome)

7th VSM-Call for Applications (Deadlines Oct. 26 / Nov. 15, 2023)

The VSM announces the following positions:

  1. Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology (University of Vienna, Supervisor: O. Hahn) application deadline and details will be added soon.
  2. Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics (University of Vienna, Supervisors: C. Krattenthaler and F. Schreier-Aigner) application deadline November 15. Details are available here.
  3. Inner Model Theory, Large Cardinals, and Determinacy (TU Wien, Supervisor: S. Müller) application deadline October 26. Details are available here.  
  4. Frame Multiplier Theory (University of Vienna, Supervisor: D. Stoeva) up to 2 positions,  application deadline November 15. Details are available here.

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